Hello, everyone.
For reasons that I won't disclose, I will keep myself anonymous throughout the contents of this post. However, after being urged countless times by a director, I decided to ultimately make this post as a much needed update from the silence that the studio has been ushering for nine months.
FrenneticGoat was a videogame studio founded by a discord user that went by "Jackson" to produce several upcoming independent horror projects, some of which included Matthew's (@RexozArts ), Happy Memories (@JR-man_
, @RadioOfficial
), Whisker's Initiative (@RadioOfficial
) and Circus City (@RaeOfSunlight
), alongside two projects which I will not name.
Jackson's intention was to make FrenneticGoat larger and larger by the day, with the idea being to solidify it as one of the largest independent creative studios in gamejolt. However, due to some personal issues, Jackson was forced to abruptly leave FrenneticGoat around mid-late 2023. Though ownership was transferred to another user (who was close to Jackson at the time), this user did not have the proper experience to run an entire studio at the time, and has largely remained silent about their position in the studio.
Due to this, the studio has gone entirely quiet due to a lack of a proper plan and mismanagement. Although the problem is apparent now more than ever, mismanagement was always a problem, even when Jackson was around. However, with the departure of its original director, FrenneticGoat has been left in a limbo state where nobody can decide what to do with the studio and Jackson's initial plans anymore.
Since Jackson's departure from the studio, many members have since stepped down and the studio has gone under a quiet public hiatus. Upon Radio Pontoons' request, "Whisker's Initiative" was removed from being a FrenneticGoat property (though we are still open to promote it, if we ever need to). After Jackson's departure, Happy Memories was also quietly pulled out of the studios' current slate of projects.
Due to this, from this point on, the studio will only focus on producing Matthew's and Circus City (along with the two projects, if they're still even happening). It will no longer expand to a larger roster until further notice, and will solely focus on any material related to these projects until their release. This can change, of course, but only if things get better behind the scenes.
The best way to describe FrenneticGoat is to describe it as a failed experiment. There was more we tried to bit off than we could chew, and we only realized this a couple of years later. However, even if this post gives off a different vibe to other posts made by the user in the past, I assure you, FrenneticGoat is NOT dead. It is merely going to be under a public hiatus, and the only projects we will work on are going to be those that have been on our slate for a long time.
I appreciate every single one of you for sticking around to read this post. I understand this is long overdue, but some complications and duties prevented me from posting this. However, I hope this sheds some light to what we've been doing and also clarifies our hiatus.
See you guys on the flipside!