So this part of the story it takes place a couple of hours ago before project 0 arrived and saved Noelia at the bunker and he was at another bunker on the other side of cooper 9 and all the worker drones there had already fallen to GB Cyon and Project 0 was running, like he was in a horror movie, but project 0 didn't know is that GB Cyon was already in his head
P-0: finally a sign of life for the next 7 hours
?: (they were just standing, it looked like a worker drone corpes)
P-0: uhhh... you good
(the worker drone corpes turns around, revealing the same white and red dot's on the visor, followed up by static)
P-0: oh god... im sorry
(P-0 then pull's out his glock and shoots the corpes, it didn't kill it, but rather stun it for a while)
P-0: whatever, lets just break inside of this bunker
(P-0 then hacks the little SD card scanner passport thing or whatever you call it and the door's slide open and close right behind him, he then spots Noelia getting thrown out of her room and V pouncing on her, without hesitation he shoots V, neutralizing her, it then cuts back to the present where V was now chained up back to the chair so she doesn't try to hurt anyone else, the drones in the bunker were Cyon, Noelia, and Project 0)
Noelia: so you're telling me that theres more worker drone bunker's and there facing the same issue as us
P-0: precisely
Cyon: so whatever this is its creating an army of zombie drones that are gonna try to consume us
P-0: i think so, most likely
Cyon: i think i know the person who's behind this...
Noelia: really now, and how do you know...
Cyon: a week ago, i saw this figure, it looked like a glitchy version of me, he called himself GB Cyon
Noelia: you saw him to...
Cyon: so im not crazy...
P-0: well we cant just be standing hear
Noelia: Cyon, stay hear and watch V so that we can go warn the other's
Cyon: K
(as soon as they left he was then transported back to the weird dimension, GB cyon right in front of him)
GB Cyon: so, you didn't listen to me huh... im pretty sure i made myself clear in our last encounter
Cyon: im not scared of you GB
GB Cyon: so this is how you want it huh... fine then, you can die to you're own friend now (Then Cyon was transported out of the place and then V was acting more agresive, as if she was trying to break free, then the chains snap)
To Be Continued
also thanks for 500 followers
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