12 days ago

My dreams are getting really weird now...

(All a dream I had, my brain needs help)

So uh, I had this dream where I was walking to the bus stop for school and this car was coming at me. I moved out of the way obviously because I don't wanna fucking die by a car. But as soon as I move out of the way, the car tries again..like it's planning to kill me. I move again. After the third time I said fuck it and I went to go confront the crazy person trying to kill me. It was some old lady selling cookie dough. When I said I wasn't interested, and I didn't have cash on me, the lady persisted. So I started walking home because I was genuinely afraid of what might happen if I refuse. And then she started to fucking follow me home! I ran to my house, told my mom to keep that door locked. Told my sis to stay in the house.

I woke up after that...

Can someone please help me explain my dreams? Because now I'm starting to get nervous of what they are trying to tell me.



Next up

:0 wishlist material-

(I'm so broke 😭)

aroace wallpaper!!!(includes ace spectrum)

Thanks @D1a-_-Dr3 friend :)

TRUE MURICAN WALLPAPER *SPAMMED BALD EAGLE SOUNDS* REQUESTED BY @Spartan31718, A REAL TROOPER (yes this is 50% a meme and yes I am actually american)

This just made my whole day! Thank you all so fucking much!!!!!!!!!!!

Damn. Now I remember these songs. These were the BEST!!!