2 years ago

My dudes, s@ I was Doing a thIng and it stopPed working. So, I went to find help and Saw a cat. This cat had a thing and it was His, so I tried to steal It and ran away. I was abouT to say someThing to tHe cat but ran away.

And now I am so pissEd. The Cat ran away it and had something, like come on man! Now I need to find the cAt. I'm going to go find and Talk with this cat.



Next up


someone’s a bit mad over there. in paradise.

am so excited

hi welcome to the easter special

by me and @Mr_noreason

also no this is not chapter 3

hi guys i am mr_noreason, and here is my face reveal -petah

asshole and dipshit

what i have been basically doing while i was inactive