Five Nights with SMG4 -DELUXE- (2.0 Update)
Update Status: ~90%
FNwS DX Update 2 has been flowing well in development, ~95% of the necessary changes have been implemented, here's a list of them now.
Removed Night R/8
Night R just dragged the game for too long, nothing new gets added for Night 8, so I thought it'd be better off removed.
Tari can actually run now.
Yes, Tari now has a running animation when attacking. A pretty welcome change compared to V1's motion blur.
Cutscene Remasters (1/2)
the two cutscenes in the game will be completely remastered.
Changed 6/20 to "Mario's Max Mode"
I just wanted to do the thing I did with Five Nights at Sayori's where the Max Mode has a specific name, here, "Mario's Max Mode" is the official name of 6/20.
Power Rework
Power consumption has been completely reworked.
Tips have their own screen
Similar to Treasure Island 2020, each Tip will have their own screen, giving players time to read said tip.
This also stacks alongside other changes, big and small.
Five Nights with SMG4 2 -DELUXE-
Game Page Soon
Game Status: ~80%
FNwS 2 DX has also been flowing well in development with completed mechanics and gameplay, all of the intended features have been implemented and is currently in testing.
Five Nights at Louie's PLUS (2.0 Update)
Update Status: ~80%
FNaL PLUS V2 is an interesting case, pretty much everything will be reworked from its V1 counterpart alongside a new mechanic, here are the noteworthy changes.
Zara and Jewel in Unlocked.
In the 2.0 Update, Zara and Jewel will no longer be unlockable, instead, they'll be available in the Main Game
Mittens Rework
I won't type much here, but this has something to do with the new mechanic.
Side door nerfed
The Side door will properly consume power, as in V1, you could keep it closed forever, essentially.
Sunday Rework
No Spoilers :)
Update Status: ~90%
This update basically redesigns the cast of characters and provides some fixes, the Game will function the same, mostly.
Animatronics sped up
The Animatronics were a bit slow in V1, so Most of them got a speed boost.
6/20 officially renamed
Named this game's Max Mode "All the Way"
Murder Drones: Graveyard Shift
Game Status: ~75%
Development has been going smoothly, The Mechanics have been implemented, Visuals are yet to be complete.
So, I'll also add the progress of each character's Development.
N: 100%
V: 95%
J: 100%
Uzi: 90%
??: 100%
???: 50%
the Max Mode has been named "Max Murder"
Super Smash Eachother in the Ass Brothers (The SMG4 Fangame) (2.0 Demo)
Demo Status: 100%
Expect the demo soon.
Have a Merry Christmas!