Well it's been a while since I posted, but I've definitely been busy.
During this time I cross the 8 months mark in terms of development! But, as all part-time indie devs know, this does not equal 8 months of actual work. In reality, I get around 1.5 days of dev work done per week, so I have really done just over 1 month of proper game making.
This is both slightly disappointing, as my progress is slow, but also heartening, as I can look at the game and be happy that it has only taken me four weeks to get to a pretty decent state
I spent ages trying to figure out the best way to do the progress logic for the pieces of evidence you find as you investigate the murder. And even longer finding a way to visualise it all so I could plan it. But I got there! Sadly, all of this is scripting and planning work, and doesn't make nice screenshots - but it's vital stuff.
I also expanded and tidied up the evidence page in the journal, in preparation for all the new images and text.
So I am currently going through and adding all the evidence logic I will need for the prototype and making sure it's hooked into the other systems too.
The crime scene was feeling a bit "meh" so I decided to make it more interactive by adding more dialogue:
... and some dynamic cameras :)

Among the miscelleneous tasks I completed are:
Added a debug tool so I can quickly give the player evidence and update it as if they are playing the game (found and fixed loads of bugs in mere minutes thanks to this!)
Fixed a gnarly streaming issue in the main entrance hall
Began setting up full keyboard and gamepad support for the UI, particularly the journal, which has opened up a new world of knowledge and hurt for me
So that's it for now. Next tasks are to finish off the crime scene setup so I can move onto the first interrogation - I can't do this until the evidence is made you see, as the questions you ask depend on finding them.