....Henry's Son: Inky Ruins!

Hello once again! :D
Nice surprise huh?
That's right! I'm working on a DLC for Henry's Son called "Inky Ruins"!
In this post I want to tell you more information about it and some background behind its development!
Let's start!
1. What made you decide to make this DLC?
There were many reasons as to why I decided to make a DLC for Henry's Son!
First of all, I wanted to learn how to make games even more. DLC for Henry's Son which is my first project ever made was the best choice! I have all the basics done and I can use them to improve my skills!
Next reason is the lack of time... Yes I know I told about this many times but it's true. Making a DLC and not super huge next title for few years was just the best decision I could make.
Besides that I know that you really wanted to see more Bendy content from me and here it is! It's not Henry's Son 2 or something like that but I think that you will really enjoy this DLC anyway!
As we speak of Henry's Son 2... Yep! Henry's Son was meant to have a sequel/prequel in the future (Not necessarily called "Henry's Son 2").
In the past I said that I won't make any new Bendy games and this kinda stay relevant. This DLC is an exception from this! :)
One of final main reasons was a not very good release of Chapter 5... I just don't wanna leave Henry's Son with such bad release at the end! :P
And these are mostly all the reasons as to why I decided to make this DLC!
Now I would like to give you more concrete information!
2. Inspirations and ideas for the DLC:
I think that one inspiration is very obvious! "Inky Ruins"... yep!
I took some inspiration from Ruin DLC for FNaF Security Breach! However, that's only in name and level design!
Other thing like gameplay and story are completely different and original! :)
I also took some inspiration from Alien: Isolation for one gameplay element in the game! ;D
Still! Game is mostly based on my original ideas but I don't want to reveal too much yet!
Let me move on to the section!
3. General information and development of the game:
Many of you may or may not know but I'm a huge fan of horror games! I "tried" to make Henry's Son a scary game but ofc it would be a lie to say that it's scary! :P
That's why I want to fix it with this DLC!
My main goal - make it scary! You will notice this in the upcoming gameplay trailer which I will talk more about in the next section!
Besides that I want "Inky Ruins" to be a general upgrade from the base game! Stuff like level design, sound design, gameplay, story should be at least on par with the base game and much better at best! :)
Now there's a question! Who are we playing as? I can already confirm that it's not David! Don't expect him to come back! It will be a brand new character that will still fit to the story of the game!
I think it's pretty obvious but I can also confirm this that "Inky Ruins" happens after the event of the base game!
Also few areas from the base game will appear in this DLC again! :D
Ngl it could have been a seperate game but I already talked about why it's a DLC (lack of time)
As for the development!
It's been going super smooth! I started working on this game in the first week of November and since that almost every gameplay mechanic is finished (I need to finish just 2 gameplay mechanics!)
Now after I finished Henry's Son I have a better understanding of how to develop games faster and make them better at the same time! :)
Ok now some other news about the game!
4. Trailers, teasers, release dates, etc.
I learned a lot during development of Henry's Son and I know I made many mistakes. Too many teasers, setting up deadline I couldn't achieve and so on!
I don't want to repeat these mistakes again!
Teasers and trailers will be released when I will feel like it's a good time to do it.
As for the release date. I said in the trailer that it will be the 1H of 2024. That doesn't change! As I said! Most of the gameplay mechanics are finished and many areas are done too! :)
I think that would be it for now!
I will give you much more updates in the near future!
(Expect a first true teaser tomorrow!)
You can check out the trailer here:
And also a reaction from @Berlez here:
I hope you enjoyed the reveal!
Have a nice day/night and I see you tomorrow!