2 years ago

My thoughts on DARK DECEPTION community

Hey everyone I wanna say a few things about DD's community (Dark Deception)....now let us being.... So this community yes it has good people but at the same time IT has awful ones as well....trust me i've been through a lot....This community is also filled with disgusting trolls as well but some trolls were not bad BUT some made me VERY UNCOMFORTABLE which yeah I know I should grow the fuck up....but still I have my comfort zones and so does everyone else....By the way even after I MADE A APOLOGY I was still being trolled plus let be for real here when I was director for a game we all know this one said I TOOK ALL CREDIT when tbh here yeh I did nothing but direct.....Another thing is THEY spread rumors for how a bad dev I was when I LITERALLY CREDITED them..... And let me tell you this their two friends called me a CUNT which YES I did get offended by it.... Hell this dev even still trolled tf out me too...I got so uncomfortable that I blocked him for it hell MONTHS later they never believed me and my family were almost HOMELESS which yes we almost were due to money issues and my step mom leaving work due to her BODY ISSUES....But yeah i'm glad I left now since as you may know @Pyroshark119 was harassed and even cancelled in this community for his actions yes he did apologize but people wouldn't CARE at all....yeh ik I saw his tweets yesterday him apologized about him making a mistake to blame RyGuyLV....But all I gotta say is if someone is trying to apologize for their actions don't cancel or spread rumors you'll make it worse but it is ok for you to forgive or don't forgive them.... Just don't do things that will make shit worse....That is all I got to say btw I will find all the proof and put it in a google drive and send it here soon.... Im not trying to cancel anyone I'm trying to show evidence is all.... But yeah have a good day ~ Aidan

Here is the proof BUT this is not to cancel anyone here this is just a warning on HOW you get treated it you worked with em but the other ones were just the devs friends ... BTW yes I made em mad but IDC I need to release the truth and not hold it in.....




Next up

Just a fanmade logo for FREDDY'S DECEPTION

by @Lysander_Dev and @ThingyMajig

I kinda redid the logo. Kept Bailey's the same but changed Eternal Darkness.

Plus there is now blood behind the words now.



February Update/New Thumbnail

Rat Race Production Update

It is back

"When did their eyes started glowing like this?"

Teaser by: GIN

(More teasers to come soon.)


Breaking New for Freddy's Deception