I decided to take my time to remake my top 5 favorite Fnaf fan games,but i decided to extended To top 10. I will try my Best To give better explanations on each game.

10. Five Nights with Froggy by @GlebKapustin - I actually enjoyed this game. Not gonna lie and i like how the story goes. Froggy being my favorite character. I know this game is with PNGs,but i still find it enjoyable. I know the previous updates were bad,but The update 4.0 of the game,improrves on it.
FACT:On 3.0 update, i won all 20 mode in custom night.

9.Dormitabis Remastered by @TheTrilogyCollective
Back then,i stated that this game sucks and i didn't like it,but now it started to grow on me and i quite like it. This game actually improved the story and the Cardboard Theatre . Deffinetly an improvement over the Inferior Dormitabis (OG). So,i will give credit To the developers for improving the game and removing the sexual themes. This game is actually Remastered 1.0. I'm looking forward To Remastered 2.0. That being "Gateway".

8.The Return to Freddy's 4 update by @Willfaz_Official
I really liked this fangame. This game is TRTF 4,but improved. The enviroment and the models look great. I appreciate Willfaz for making updated game. I Don't have anything else to say,but this game looks great for me

7.Five Nights to Remember by @RadianceGamesOfficial and @StellaWisps
This game is a remake of the original Five Nights to Remember. The team improved on the graphics and the character models. Also,i like how night 6 pays tribute to One night to Remember,which i find this to be really cool. Night 5 was also amazing. You can also unlock custom night characters by playing each custom night challenges. Let's just say,the custom night characters are interesting to Say the least (exlcuding Bunnie)

6. The Return to Freddy's 2:Winter Wonderland @LuminanceProductions
THIS IS HOW YOU REMAKE TRTF 2. I even placed this game at S tier. The models look fresh from The oven. The minigames were also interesting and the cutscenes? The cutscenes in my opinion look badass. Like,the animation looks smooth. The intro suprised me tbh.

5. Final Nights 4 by @JeliLiam
This game is the conclusion of the whole Final Nights series. This game actually hits hard with the soundtracks,sound design,visuals and the models. Dude, that fredbear model is one of my favorites, along with Insane Freddy and The Puppetmaster. That's all i can say about this game. This game really slaps. I enjoyed it

4. Fredbear and Friends:Left to Rot by @GarrettMcKay
Another gem. I like how this game has different levels. Each level has different Mechanics. My favorite levels were Test Room 2 and Final Test. The other levels look okay. I also like the introduction of The game where we strip down Fredbear and Spring Bonnie and brought Freddy Fazbear and his friends. The visuals look great as well.

3.Five Nights at Candy's REMASTERED by @Emilmacko
A great Remaster. Playing this game was awesome. The game really improved the graphics. I like how Emil Macko added a special night to fight Shadow Candy. To get that night,You must look at Rat's face in the extras and he will show You Numbers and Camera 13. The Numbers shown on the extras are for the custom night and this is how You get that night.
The ending was also insane, showing the new Candy design. I'm curious for Candy's 4.
FACT:i played The game with a Childhood Friend of mine (not gonna Say her name). Her favorite character is The Penguin,but She hates the Rat.

2.Oblitus Casa by @RadianceGamesOfficial
This Sequel is FANTASTIC. This game has good visuals and good models to be honest. I also like how the notepad gives the player instructions insetad of phone calls,which i find this unique. Night 5 was really good. I really like Mick Mick. This game also has Creepypasta challenges (i have personal grudge on Eyeless Jack). Completing each Creepypasta challenge,unlocks a Custom Night character (i also have personal grudge on Cabin Face)
FACT:I played with my sister Oblitus Casa BEFORE update 2.0. I played The main nights and the Creepypasta challenges and my sister played The Tunnels.
Before getting to number 1,i have dishonorable Mentions. These Fnaf fan games Don't deserve credit.

Dishonorable Mention 1- Graveyard Shift at Freddy's by (REDACTED)- The game looked peak,the models were unqiue and the story looked good,but these good aspects are thrown away because of the developer's actions. Seeing the developer return was not part of my checklist. I still dispise To this day and i'm not looking foward for the 2.0 update. I know She Apologized,but for me is hard To forgive her
Another positive i have is i blocked her on Gamejolt. :)

Dishonorable Mention 2-One Night at Flumpty's by (REDACTED)- The game was a gem. Many People loved this fangame. The reason why i no longer like it is because of the developer's actions,being outed as a pedophile. Similar with GSAF developer,is Really hard to forgive him and seeing him return was not part of my checklist. For me,i consider ONAF To be a shattered gem

Dishonorable Mention 3-Five Nights at the Haunted House-The Worst mobile Fnaf fan game ever made and this game is disrespectful

Dishonorable Mention 4- FNAF in Real Time -this game is a definition of "THIS IS NOT HOW YOU REMAKE FNAF 1". >:(
Let's get to number 1

IN MY OPINION,I really enjoyed this fnaf fan game. This game actually aged the best. So,i will give credits to Nikson for his creativity and his work . I like how each door has different levels. The levels being: Bedroom,Living Room, Office, Basement and The Attic. The jumpscares look insane and the characters look Insane. Like, Creation is my favorite amalgamation, along with Ingited Golden Freddy and Ignited Shadow Freddy.
I really enjoyed the Basement level and the Attic level. The other levels look great as well.
This game will get a remake. We got the Office DEMO During FNAF's 10th Anniversary and seeing the demo,IT really shows how much effort and improvement. Props to @Nikson_Official