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Charlotte has some new moves up her sleeve! (if she had sleeves, but that's not what's important right now)
Here's a look at one of Charlotte's new moves in the testing area!
PAC-MAN themed Steam Deck intro I made in blender
I decided to have a longer video showcasing me playing around a bit, doing some tricks with the new move including some frame-timed ones involving coyote time.
(and I updated the physics a bit since my last post)
Testing new Idle animations! (her face will be more expressive in-game during these, this is just testing the animation transitions for now)
(Also a new character shader to help the characters look more like their render models)
My favorite video game side kick as of recent is probably Vivian from Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door.
I played through the game recently and felt like I relate to her a lot, and she pretty much became a comfort character.
working on the new skybox!
It animates now!
Re-done HUD concept art (It's pretty rough, but this was just to get the idea down, and none of these icons or fonts are final)
Waka Waka!
created a normal map for the bells to help give them more of an illusion that they're 3D.