9 years ago

Narcissus update and compatibility for iOS!

Hey folks, so an update on the things left to do for Narcissus, I’ve got the latest build of the game working on phone (App Store/TestFlight compatible) and I am just looking at a handful more things to do:

  • Multiple orientations - whilst gameplay remains the same regardless of orientation, the menus and pause screens need to change based on which way up the game is held.

  • Translations to as many languages as I can hit - Currently have in the pipeline Polish, Chinese, Swedish, Italian, French, and Spanish (and English). I may add more/remove some see depending on how things go with the folks who are translating the project.

  • Update Loading Screen - My logo is super old and severely needs an update, and I’ve seen a lot of developers use that brief loading time to do useful stuff like explain the basic mechanics. I’m going to explore some of these (I’m also currently looking into a rebrand so it’s hard to judge what to choose at the moment.

  • Cutting Unecessary stuff on the main menu - on the front page, there’s a lot of text that clutters up the menu page. I’ll be trimming this back to just extra information when you roll over a button to give a brief description (same for pause menu).

  • Extra menu buttons - I’ll be adding some more settings in the form of an assisted viewing option (adding a sphere around each character) and inversion of player controls.

  • Replacing the pause menu buttons with icons to make them easier to understand thus cutting back on text as graphics that needs translating.

  • Replacing the on screen pause button with an edge of screen region to press.

And that should be the bulk of the development side of things done! Other than that, I need to get my presskit back up to speed, revamp the website (hopefully with a html5 version of the game that should work with phones) and of course get it tested on as many devices as I can before launch.

For anyone interested, here’s how it looks on phone!

As a quick heads up though, I am going to be doing marking for the next 2 weeks, so development will only be when I get sick of doing paperwork. Having said the above, my time opens up for the summer, so I’ll be kicking out projects over the coming months.

Stay tuned for more soon!



Next up

An Ode to Flash Games Amidst browsers pulling the life support out, I talk about why from the late 90's till now, building Flash games is still common, why that's good and what we could lose when it flatlines.

Holidev - Using my Vacation Abroad to Develop a Game. Hey Folks, this is an article about the highs and lows of having a holiday developing a cosmic puppet boxing game over two weeks with two artists in Boston. Enjoy!

Installation Required - The incredible potential of custom controllers. Hey Folks! Here's an article about the wonders of custom controllers and how they're going to literally change the way we interact with games on so many levels.

Keeping that torch a' burning - Some tips on how to remain involved with games development.

Narcissus at Update 2014

Take Note - Why having a sketchbook shouldn't be overlooked. As I reach my 10th year of carrying around a sketchbook, I pass my experience of doodling designs and drawings for a decade onto you.

Localisation 101 - How we can use language to make our games more inclusive. Hey Folks! This article will be putting forward the case for more localisation in games, but also how to do it on a budget. Hope you enjoy!

Game Jams - The tastiest kind of Jam. Hey Folks! Here's an article I plonked together giving you a bunch of reasons to get involved in game jams right now (and some things to factor in for organizing them). Hope you enjoy!

Decisions on Publishing and Sponsorship for Narcissus

Narcissus Launch Date - Valentines Day.