Ru: Нужен мужской голос. Вроде всё. Пишите в лс или в
greenilya300001 или hedgehog_gamer228
En: Needs male voice. That's all. Talk in DM or in
greenilya300001 or hedgehog_gamer228
Ru: Нужен мужской голос. Вроде всё. Пишите в лс или в
greenilya300001 или hedgehog_gamer228
En: Needs male voice. That's all. Talk in DM or in
greenilya300001 or hedgehog_gamer228
Leaked sprite
Слитый спрайт
Abstraction of light that'll lead me to dark...ness ohh....
I hear the silence of the grade...
Happy #WIPWednesday! Are you working on a game? Making some art? Practicing a song? Something else? Tell us in the comments!
Музыка от Slingoandkomsfan113 в твиттере
Thanks to @TeamHalfBeard , it is Time to Morp.
Begin to Morp in your quest log and then Morp more here:
Hello and... Yes, I have Twitter now...
Здравствуйте и... Да, теперь у меня есть Твиттер
ТЫЩА ПРОСМОТРОВ??!?!?!?! СПАСИБО!!!!!!!!!!!
THOUSAND VIEWS!?!?!?!??!? THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
руджольт фанк говно