Hi guys, we hope you are doing great. This little update is just to let you know that we are still working on Neon City Riders to finish the product A.S.A.P. while maintaining the quality and vision we offered in our campaign. We even add two new members to the development team to ensure a great quality in this epic cyberpunk adventure.
We don’t want to spoil you the game writing about each one of the elements added to the game. We know you trust in our idea, direction and development to create a truly fun, memorable and deep game.
We will keep you updated about this process, if you have any question please send it to [email protected] or contact us through our social networks. We love to get feedback. Receive a big hug from all the studio!
-Jorge García (CEO Mecha Studios)

MORE UPDATES AT: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/mechastudios/neon-city-riders-a-cyberpunk-turf-wars-action-adve/updates