Hello everyone, as you heard of the post, yes, we opened a new auditions with new roles and more and most importantly, as the auditions were open, I might be heading out to my holidays in December 26th where I have to put the game ON HOLD for a while until next year where I come back at December 31th soon.
As for anyone who were working in the team which is Gamejolt DMs only, all of you have a six days break from your works (even who haven't work on the any work yet, I still allow them have a break), enjoying your few days of last year as I will be in offline status in Discord while have a few days left until my holidays starts and for Gamejolt, I will be sort of online here for a while before I head off, enjoying the holidays with my family while the auditions were open until I get back soon.
Don't worry, the game will be back on development in right around the end of the year of 2024 which is going to be wild while 2025 is slowly coming soon, for everyone out there, please stay safe, relax well and I will see you all soon in the next update post about Somniphobia when it back on development soon, have a great day!