Hey guys,
I recently added a new build of the game. This build features a larger level as well as a lighting system and some improvements to the graphics. All in all, I believe it is a much better and more solid game. Also, I changed the name. “Zombies!” was a little too generic and was originally the working title for the game. Now, I have called the game “Last Stand”. I believe this is a little more original and is more descriptive and true to the game. Also, this will be the last major update for the game. I have received nothing but love for this project and am very thankful for it. But, I need to move on to other projects. This game was my first release. I have put a lot of time and effort into it but I need to move on to bigger and better projects. I have a lot of other ideas but haven’t been able to work on them because this project felt incomplete. I may still release some minor changes and patches to the game but for the most part, it is done. Thank you to everyone who has shown this game and my page so much love and support. I really appreciate it. Make sure to keep a look out for a new demo in the future!
Black Box Studios