Shadow Nights

8 months ago

New concept for the game


⚡На данный момент уже есть несколько концептов локаций (2/12). Так же я нарисовал концепт и скримера shadow bonnie, но мы покажем его только в следующем посте.

Не смотря на активное создание концептов к игре, мы продолжаем искать вторых кодеров и моделлеров. Очень надеемся на вашу помощь.

Увидимся через 3 дня!⚡


⚡At the moment there are already several location concepts (2/12). I also drew the concept and screamer of shadow bonnie, but we will show it only in the next post.

Despite the active creation of concepts for the game, we continue to look for second coders and modelers. We really hope for your help.

See you in 3 days!⚡



Next up

Shadow nights are still alive!)

Shadow night's x SoulLight

Without many words...

"Shadow nights" has a new design!

Game Jolt users, we need your help

Shadow nights in early development

Can not argue with that

@Skuf , when I found out that he is the main antagonist in SN core:


Shadow Nights is now completely in my hands!