Freddy's Acronical Excursion MV

1 year ago

New Findings!

Hey, everyone. I've got some interesting findings to use for the FNAF 4 era and other stuff for FAE MV in general. Images 1 through 4 are possible candidates for enemies in the FNAF 4 area. As for bosses, I can't say because of spoilers. As for the 5th and 6th image, these will most likely be the new look for Spring Bonnie. Why? In case you didn't know, this is the official model for him that was found in the files of an early build of FNAF Help Wanted. For years, any FNAFB game that had this character was using a fan made design. Now we finally have the official model! I'll be sure to include everything that I've shown you all here into the game to see if they'll fit right in. That's all I've got to share right now. Stay tuned for (hopefully) more updates!




Next up

Small FNAF 3 Era Update!

The 1987 Era Demo! + 202X Screenshots!

Balancing + Interesting Findings

The Original Fighter Mage Bard Files Have Been Finally Obtained! 😃

Development on The Legend of White Whale Area + Other Stuff

FNAF 3 Era Progression Update + Changes in General

Updated Stuff for Existing Eras + Stuff For 1993 Era!

Difficulty Balance and Other Changes

More Official FNAF Items and Objects for FNAFB!

Another Update Finally!