Freddy's Acronical Excursion MV

3 years ago

More Official FNAF Items and Objects for FNAFB!

Hi, Everyone! I've got something interesting to tell you all. You know how FNAFB has generic or stock images like party hats, and cameras for enemies and bosses? Well, thanks to the Triple A Fazbear Wiki, there's loads of assets obtained from FNAF: Security Breach and Help Wanted and what I found MIGHT be used for enemies and bosses! Even stuff from FNAF 6 can be used for this purpose. The camera renders you see here are actually from Security Breach! The arcade machine here can be used as an enemy for possibly the 1987 era, 1993 era or even the FNAF 3 era, and the Fredbear poster can be used as an enemy exclusive to the 1972 era. Not only are there official renders that can be used for the enemies/bosses, there are also official objects that might be used for the items! For example, the Sodaroni from Help Wanted and Security Breach can be used for the Soda item instead of using the generic term, "Small Soda", "Medium Soda", etc. The revive item will most likely still be cake but it'll come down to being either a slice or a whole cake. For healing items, it'll most likely be pizza slices still. For curing status ailments, it was common for the item to be birthday presents but maybe I can change it to candy like a Freddy Fudgebar or even Bonnie Bites. Who knows. You all might be wondering why I MIGHT consider using more official FNAF stuff for this. I was thinking that using them for enemies, bosses and items would have FNAFB games be more faithful to the source material (which is FNAF of course lol) instead of using generic/stock stuff. However, the generic/stock stuff has been used for FNAFB games for years and I'd hate to break tradition. But then again...more official FNAF stuff = more faithfulness to the source material. It might make this game and future FNAFB games more unique in a way. Heck, I might consider doing this for my FNAF World fan game too! I'll see what I can do. Let me know what you all think of this idea. Thanks for reading this devlog and I'll see you in another one!




Next up

Small FNAF 3 Era Update!

Balancing + Interesting Findings

More Assets From Scott Cawthon's Old Games Have Been Found!

Development on The Legend of White Whale Area + Other Stuff

FNAF 3 Era Progression Update + Changes in General

New Findings!

Another Update Finally!

Version 1.3.0 Flanville 2 is Now Playable!

The 1987 Era Demo! + 202X Screenshots!

Difficulty Balance and Other Changes