1 year ago

New Game Announcement!


An Atmospheric 3D horror game, check out the game page now!



Next up

New Building Types: Support Buildings - Buildings that unlock other advanced structures - They currently have no function (W.I.P)

Current Buildings: - Command Centre, Communcation Centre

If you want to support my work please like and follow the game!

Twisted Forest Summary / Release Time

Twisted Forest Release! It features 2 levels and a chase sequence in between, it will also come with a mobile release somewhere in the coming month. If you are planning on playing, enjoy! (It is early access so expect some bugs, please report them!)

New Enemy Unit: Grenadier - Longer Range - AOE Damage - Spawns after the first few waves

Game Due to Release Tommorow! If you want to support this endevour it would be greatly appreciated if you liked and follow the game, and downloaded it on launch!

New Feature: Tutorial - When you boot into the game for the first time you will go through a tutorial. - (Not Final Version) If you want to support the game consider liking and following! Game will be available in 3-4 days

Updated Background - Cliffs represent safe areas where enemies cannot attack New Enemy: Vehicle - Explosive Damage - Mounted Machine Gun - Late Game Enemy

If you want to support me as a small creator it would be fantastic if you liked/followed the game!

New Game for the UDC Gamejam, Sub-Surface Exodus! Keep in mind if you play the game it was made in only 10 days.

New Feature: Unit Unlock System - Advanced Units will require a subsidiary unit to unlock

- Once placed the units unlock permanently.

- Subsidiary unit will have a supporting feature

New Unit: Bunker Machine-Gun - Longer Range - 3 Firing Points - Larger HP - Costs 500$