It’s time for the first gamemode to finally be announced. Before I show you the picture, the picture itself and name isn’t as clear so I will tell you what it is

The gamemode is something that is actually done to keep the gamemodes even but it’s actually quite a fun mode and it brings new challenges to the table that weren’t there before. The team is really enjoying this gamemode more than what they thought they would so here’s how the game works.
How it works
Everyone knows how the normal game works with 2 launchers launching Squares, Triangles and Circles, we brought in a new launcher with Skyfall where it fell from the sky, we got the idea of what if all 3 launched a item and they were all a Square, Circle and Triangle. So the left one will always launch a circle, the right one will always launch a triangle and the top one will always launch a square. Did we mention that they all launch at the exact same time? This gamemode really creates new ways to stack your tower as now you’re not worrying about 1 launching, your worrying about 3.
Thanks for viewing this post, we plan to have the next gamemode ready to show off really really soon, you won’t have to wait a week but the next one is going to be probably one of the best gamemodes we’ve done EVER.