6 months ago


The team has been increased, I no longer work alone, I have been absent all this time to create my own company and now we are working as a team on multiple games

since joy and me received support with donations on itchio 100% we will be back but with more quality and workers on the team who will put a great effort into bringing the best

PS: Hi! Yes, I know you are watching this, you want to have fun right? ;)

1 comment


Next up

Joy and me: Trilogy teaser https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F0ocEiatsQ soon in itchio

Joy and me VR ??/09/2024 full horror experiences recreating sleep paralysis, if we reach the number of 1500 followers the team will release the non-vr version

Joy and me VR https://gamejolt.com/games/joyandmeVR/716164 ??/09/2024 full horror experiences recreating sleep paralysis, if we reach the number of 1500 followers the team will release the non-vr version

Joy and me VR / NO VR Update 1.2.0 coming soon adding:

-non vr mode

-fixes and optimization

-translation into Spanish

-community section

The community section are ideas from the comments community that will be implemented in the free version of the game

Wistarck Studios es una realidad Ahora somos una empresa

Joy and me VR released now!!!! gogogogogog

1.1.7 version released and Non vr version


paso por aqui el otro logo por si los del gameverse quieren ver ya que estan tan aburridos algunos jajajaja al parecer no quieren dejarnos en paz y solo saben opinar en grupito como viciados

Joy and me VR tomorrow