Hey Everyone
Didn’t post something from so long, anyways..
I have some epic news for you guys! Five Nights at FredBear’s : From Beginning to The End is born! This is the game that i was talking about for so long! my development team are gonna help me in the game, Fazbear’s Productions are also helping! this game will show you the full FNaF story! From FNaF 1 to FNaF 4! but you will play the FNaF games as mini-games, then we will develop a Fan-made game and you will play in as a security guard trying to keep the Fredbear’s Horror attraction safe. Whenever you win a night you get to play a minigame! in the minigames you will play through FNaF 1 to FNaF 4.
Already 2 models are made by Thelolwall9000! FredBear and SpringTrap, Thanks to him!
I removed some animatronics because i thought some people will get bored of modeling so i made them 14 instead of 21!
That’s all the news for FNaF:FTBTTE, now for this game’s news is that everyone who helped me is 100% credited! :D
I also made a group so the development team members could talk to each other on Facebook!
If your part of Fazbear’s Team or Fazbear’s Productions join this group please.