Heya, i'm Bulacha, and, well, i came here to share some things from the games, and, i'll start showing the core 4 designs!
Clone Sonic:

(art by me, following 1st pictures by me)

(art by @SomeGuyAndStuff , following 1st pictures by him)
Basically the same as FNaS 1R, but, with a yellow ring on his microphone!
Clone Mario:

it's just FNaS 1R Mario =w= (look at the bright side: we didn't mistake the tuxedo for a cape!)
Clone Yoshi:

Yeah, you already understand that we are using the FNaS 1 R designs for most of the characters.
Clone Tails:

Ok, our first real original design, based on Five Nights at Sonic's Remastered: The Opening Week, by @superkirbyjs !
Now, with the designs aside, i'll say some changes:
Lefty Sonic is the shopkeeper now, like Lolbit in FNaF World, replacing Balloon Toad.
You can gamble with Righty Sonic, he'll be like Deedee on FNaF World.
The lore is something less meta like FNaF and FNaS World, it's more aproached to Rockclones.
We'll have a new shopkeeper character, being Clonebot Bunnie Rabot! She'll sell you protection, like Mendo does on classic FNaF World!
Most of the random crap in the game got replaced by acctual cool stuff from the FNaS, Sonic and Mario series!
As seen above, the helpers are going to be updated to something more Sonic and Marioish, instead of the original way.
Now, to end this post, here are some development prints!

Hope y'all like our game, see you on the flipside, bye!