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Indiegogo Funding Campaign is now online!
Changing our game cover. Which one do you prefer? Left or right?
New game poster! ♥
Hiding from the killer but there's another one in the room. A demo of "Into Samomor" is releasing today on Gamejolt.
The demo is now on Google Play Store! Guess what, now you can play the demo of Seven Mysteries on Google Play Store!
Seven Mysteries: The Last Page is now completely FREE TO PLAY (forever) on Google Play Store!
Download the game:…
Seven Mysteries is now available on Play Store!
A new riddle is under development and will be available in the future update of the demo. ⚫ More choices and paths!
New Poster and screenshots The last poster for the game (I hope) and some new screenshots. If everything goes well, the game would be released in November this year. Hope I can make it.
Into Samomor Demo is now available on Gamejolt!
Caution: The game's dialogues can be sinister and may not suit everyone