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New structure, mob and new plant [Future update] There is a new structure “ruins of copper”. Generated underground. Next to this structure a new mob “Copper drone” will spawn. Added a new plant - flower “radiance”.
New colored glass panels! New colored glass panels and new dyes for their crafting and new dyes for their crafting.
New update [May 22-23] | 0.16 alpha On May 22-23, a small update of 0.16 alpha is planned.
New mob. Added the first neutral mob. Attacks the player only if the player attacks him. Aggression mob will disappear if you run away from it for a certain distance.
Other Planet - News related to the new version... Improved connection fences.
Buffs Added buffs: regeneration, super acceleration. Added special tinctures that activate these buffs.
Update 0.15 alpha / Обновление 0.15 alpha!
All buffs/debuffs All buffs and debuffs that will be in version 0.14 alpha!