
Comments (7)

What do you think?

I like it

I haven't played your game yet , it looks good but it looks like you might need some help with the english grammar .

I Really pleases your Game, is vere, VERY good... i probally upload at my YT Channel


Other Planet 0.17 alpha

Version: 0.0.17over 7 years ago
Several blocks have been added: the gold block, the steel block, the composite block. New walls: gold, steel and composite walls, wooden slats. Three new types of ore. New tools and weapons. Added the "looter I", mining materials, minerals. Added solar battery. Added boss, dropping a new weapon. Added a new plant. Many different materials, for example: steel, polymer powder, pressed polymer, stone fragment, etc. Improved AI of some mobs. The physics of bombs has been improved. Changes in some crafting. Changed some textures. Ore will now be generated by large deposits. Fixed many bugs. More information on the update in the game!

Other Planet 0.16 alpha

Version: 0.0.16almost 8 years ago
[NEW] - A little optimization) New decor, a banner of leather "salamander". Innovations in the installation of blocks / decor. Redesigned menu. Added 5 new tips. Changes in the settings. Changes in the AI "salamander. The generation of the "copper blockages" structure has been improved. Fixed 18 bugs.

Other Planet 0.15 alpha

Version: 0.0.15almost 8 years ago
This is a very big update in which there are a lot of innovations ... Briefly, what was added: Two new mobs: one neutral, the second aggressive. New structure: "copper debris". Generator, fuel and lamps which will be illuminated with the help of a charged generator. Two new plants. A chemist's table and new kinds of crafts. A lot of new things, such as: saltpeter, black dye, potassium nitrate, bank, etc. Many changes in the crafts (some crafts have been complicated). A new case with new things. New buffs and debuffs. 26 bug fixes.

Other Planet 0.14 alpha

Version: 0.0.14almost 8 years ago
Added buffs and debuffs: 5 buffs and 2 debuffs. Added tinctures that activate buffs. Debuffs can be obtained in battle with certain mobs. A new plant "avaya" has been added. You can grow it. Added a new block of leaves "avaya" and a new wall of leaves "avaya". Three new dyes and three new colored glass panels. In cases, you can now catch the energy that gives you 2 buffs at once. Changes in the background are underground. Changes in the encyclopedia. Increased damage to mobs. Fixed 8 bugs

Other Planet 0.13 alpha

Version: 0.0.13almost 8 years ago
New plants in the caves. Stalagmites and stalactites in caves. New ore and many new tools / swords. New block and wall. In the nightstand you can store things. New lighting and many other changes. Numerous bug fixes.

Other Planet 0.12 alpha

Version: 0.0.12almost 8 years ago
In version 0.12, it was added: New background ringtones. Settings with the ability to choose how to play: in the window mode or full screen. The fallen remains of the ship. New ore. New firearms: SMG-Laser, MP-L6. New ammunition for new weapons. New tools: drill, saw. New mob "Spiker". New blocks of iron, copper and tin (new ore). New walls of iron, copper and tin block. Falling cases: opening them you can get a first aid kit or a stew. The world was increased horizontally by 92 blocks, vertically by 2 blocks. Changes in 0.12 alpha: The size of the game window is now 800x600. Plants (except wood) can now be destroyed with a sword.

Other Planet 0.11 alpha

Version: 0.0.11about 8 years ago
Update 0.11 alpha. Lifeguard on capsule. Saved the lives the player. You can destroy and get a lot of iron (you can destroy any pickaxe). The new block and the wall (stone-brick block, stone and brick wall) New decor: a torch, leather banner, seat leather "Grox". New plant "crones" Flower "umbrella" (small and large).

Other Planet 0.10 alpha

Version: 0.0.10about 8 years ago
Update 0.10 alpha

Other Planet 0.09 alpha

Version: 0.0.9about 8 years ago
Update 0.09 + New Years event

#survival #выживание #2D #space #sandbox #adventure


Genre: 2D, Sandbox
You are one of the members crew of the spaceship, which has been sent on study and research space.
Soon no known cause fuel compartment explodes. Almost the entire crew died. Prior to the explosion you were close to escape pod. It was one of these capsules saved your life.
Action game takes on a different planet. You are waking up in an escape pod, you know, that is far from civilization and you will have to survive on a planet, about which you know absolutely nothing...

  • You will have to survive on other planet.

  • In a game is available craft system.

  • Produce valuable materials for crafting.

  • Collect the seeds and grow them.

  • Find a the strange creatures.

  • Build houses/shelter.

  • Watch out for the night. At night comes angry mobs.

All versions


Жанр: 2Д, Песочница
Вы, являетесь одним из членов экипажа космического корабля, который был отправлен на изучение и исследование космоса.
Вскоре по не известным причинам отсек топлива взрывается. Почти весь экипаж умирает. До взрыва Вы находились рядом с спасательными капсулами. Именно одна из этих капсул спасает Вам жизнь.
Действие игры разворачивается на другой планете. Вы, очнувшись в спасательной капсуле, понимаете, что далеко от цивилизации и Вам придется выживать на планете, о которой Вы абсолютно ничего не знаете...

  • Вам предстоит выживать на другой планете.

  • В игре доступна система крафтов.

  • Добывайте ценные материалы для крафтов.

  • Собирайте семена растений и выращивайте их.

  • Находите странных существ.

  • Стройте дома/укрытия.

  • Опасайтесь ночи. Ночью приходят злые мобы.

Все версии


Жанр: 2Д, Пісочниця
Ви, є одним з членів екіпажу космічного корабля, який був відправлений на вивчення і дослідження космосу.
Незабаром з невідомих причин відсік палива вибухає. Майже весь екіпаж вмирає. До вибуху Ви перебували поруч з рятувальними капсулами. Саме одна з цих капсул рятує Вам життя.
Дія гри розгортається на іншій планеті. Ви, прийшовши до тями в рятувальній капсулі, розумієте, що далеко від цивілізації і Вам доведеться виживати на планеті, про яку Ви абсолютно нічого не знаєте ...

  • Вам доведеться виживати на іншій планеті.

  • У грі доступна система Крафту.

  • Здобувайте цінні матеріали для Крафту.

  • Збирайте насіння рослин і вирощуйте їх.

  • Знаходьте дивних істот.

  • Будуйте будинки / укриття.

  • Бійтеся ночі. Вночі приходять злі моби.

Всі версії



ОБНОВЛЕНИЕ 0.17 alpha - Other Planet

#Boss and new weapens