Woopies are a new species made in a laboratory, they come in many colors and patterns, They are usually mixtures of several animals, which can also affect some of their patterns, they can have the pattern of a wild dog, or a zebra, a tiger, a raccoon, sometimes they can have two mixed patterns or more! but of course, some can also have patterns that do not exist in a living being!. Since they are mixes of animals, they can have some of those things, maybe on the face, ears, tail, feet, paws, maybe they can even have feathers! But of course, they can also have tails that don't exist, maybe like a demon's tail!
Below are some examples of the tails they can have!

They have horns that are candy! Sometimes you can see other species or themselves licking the horn! Each one has a different flavor! And yes, they can break if they're not careful, and maybe they own brother/sister ate it when they were little. They can have one or more than one horn!
Below are some examples of horns that they can have!

Some may also have them from their spine to their tail! Of course, some do not reach the tail, because each one has a certain number
Here is an example!

The personality of these creatures is generally shown to be curious, they are generally shy towards other new living beings or people they do not know, But each one is different, some can be angry, others super happy, sad, or some who simply don't care about anything, they are just chill, each one is unique.
That's all! I hope you have fun creating your own woopie! Please give me credit for the species and mention me to see your woopie! See you later!