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Our team has decided that @Kaidarus1812 's version of FNaTAS 5 is now officially the 5th entry in the Advanced series.
(This post is not related to announcing 5th Rebranded)
V.1.2.3 is here! • Nerfed DarkNeila's movement speed. • Fixed DarkNeila not vissible on any camera. • Hopefully fixed Camsprites sometimes glitching to appear on any camera. • Removed Jena from Night 4.
Version 1.1.0
V1.2.5!! • Reworked some old sprites • Fixed Dark Jena appearing when Jena or Leonard are either behind. • Fixed flashlight draining quicker on right side. Happy FNaTASING!
Hello to fellow mobile players, a mobile version for the one and only FNaTAS 4 Remastered is now OFFICIALLY LIVE! Theres also a lite version too just incase you have a shitty phone. Enjoy and have a great day. If you have any QnAs about it, go for it.
After I read some people thought young Raven was inspired from Cloud from Final Fantasy 7. I had to make this because it's one of my favorite JRPG of all time. (Second being Chrono Trigger.)
FNaTAS 1A 2.0 is out! - Final goodbye to the advanced series!
It even lags on my PC, lol. Great work though. @Kaidarus1812