Neighbors Winter Remastered : Dark Adventures

2 years ago

new room



Next up

The room of the conveyor administrators. Now completely ready. The warehouse remained behind bars.

Uhhh. It turned out creepy. I didn't count on that. But nothing. What will happen to the Modder family in NWRDA - this is true horror and tragedy. By the way, this is a teddy bear, which was presented to Vasily Ivanovich.

Revival is follows... Dark Adventures Returns

Ritual room

The Modder family. Ivan and *no data*. About 80 years before the events NWRDA

A room that should have been done a long time ago. For you to know - she was at the very beginning.

Second way. Management and conveyors.

The workplace of one of the conveyor administrators. In Game.And yes, the flying keyboard is a bit of a bug. Hah...

The task trigger is ready.

Inventory under development

Technical staff room / backup power and elevator management