I have made a lot of additions since last update, the Hourglass has a very nice sound design when stopping the time, and the Violin, even though it still has a lot of improvements to do, was not easy to implement.
I dedicated a lot of time to improve the game camera and reworked some scenarios. There are a lot of things to fix, improve and finish in the game yet, nothing is in its final version for now, so next updates will still have big improvements.
I stream every workday on my Twitch while developing the game. I speak english if you can't understand what I am saying (because I am brazilian).
I work in the game in my free time even though I would love to work on it full time, thanks to all the people who supported on Patreon until now.
Main changes:
Included 2 more items (3 items in total now), the Hourglass and the Violin.
The Hourglass follows Utsuki and has the ability to stop time for a few seconds.
The Violin can be played to make some simple songs and (in the future) to interact with characters and with the world.
New Door leading to the new Snow World.
Camera now behaves differently when you look up, to prevent you seeing too much.
Camera now shows a better view of the world when you enter it, and focus changes when you are near a door.
Scenario limits can be seen now when you approach it and there is a wall to prevent players from getting out of the area with content. I still need to test a looping scenario that doesn't make the player feel lost and frustrated.
Other changes:
Overall game graphics are changed (I was using a deprecated rendering method now I use URP)
Changed Utsuki clothes.

Included footsteps sound on Numbers World.

Included footsteps sound on Origami World.
Adjustments to the Chess World.
Adjustments to the Numbers world.
Adjustments to the Desert World lightning and effects.
Changed light on Utsuki’s room and window now shows a different image.

Changed Party Area camera.
UV Light now emits a small light.
It's easier to interact with a specific NPC when stepping on it.
Camera on the Doors Room now behaves differently (fixed camera).

Improved menu navigation with Controller.
Separated Horizontal and Vertical axis on Camera Speed settings.