Over the past 1 Month I have been working on a shizammle load of new features for other games that aren’t this one but that got me thinking Why can’t I make new features for this one So I am going to introducing the super ultra mega extra-terrestrial new super mario bros uMADbro Update to come in Novemufebucember 51st of 65 in the year 85 Which will involve Online Single Player and Offline Multiplayer how cool is that we plan to introduce an all new coin system where you can change the color of the border of the coins From black to JAW DROPPING WHITE Like none of these features were possible until now But since they are they will be implemented and we will come to your house and absorb you into the matrix You lost the game if you read this part right here, BUT WAIT THERE’S MORE IF YOU CALL IN THE NEXT 10 MINUTES YOU GET THIS EXTRA UPDATE ABSOLUTELY FREE Call us now on 123-456-7890 Dial 85 For Extensions thank you
PS: April Fools