Hey guys, survivors now periodically arrive at your bunker doors seeking refuge, instead of them always already being there. You also have to open a hatch to see if they’re a threat or not before deciding whether to let them in.

Along with this, you can now interact with raiders - giving in to their demands or taking your chances and refusing. Here’s a nice little GIF to showcase this (sorry for the windows cursor in the way, that’s just my stupid screen recorder, not the game):

Now I just have to add the option of sending your survivors into the wastelands to gather supplies, implement more random survivor information, add another mode; infinite, and all the necessities like the ability to view your game stats, saving and loading, and a pausing feature. And, of course, it needs some good old polishing to finish it off. All that stuff’s pretty straight forward, so I should have the game done and dusted soon :)