Five Nights at Sonic's: Fierce Forces "Surreal Show-off!" [Hiatus]

2 months ago

Yes, it is a change and correction of the code name from "Stellar Showoff!" into "Surreal Show-off!"

That's it. Thank you for attention.

P.S. I'm still sick, getting some rest.



Next up

"It's him. The one that she, fears the most in this franchise"

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #WIP #ArtWork #Art

Top Stellar Shadow

The Main Leader of the Stellar Team

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #WIP #ArtWork #Art

Leo Metal Sonic & Super Leo Metal Sonic

This version of Neo Metal Sonic is from Fierce Forces. His name is supposed to have Leo, because he's a hybrid of Hedgehog and Lion (he has a long tail)

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #WIP #ArtWork #Art


A visibly redesign change ~ Anew Stellar Sonic & Top Stellar Shadow

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #StellarShowoff #Horror #Fangame #Fanart #Art

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Silent the protagonist in FNaS: FF be like ~ 2 Pages ~

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #NFaS #HushNHustle #Horror #Meme #ArtWork #Art

Silent "Player-On!" (The Protagonist)

And so what, that she walks through a thicket of dangerous enemies, etc? She's relaxed, it's fine. Until...

#FNaSFF #FierceForces #ImagineIt #Horror #WIP #ArtWork #Art

Rat Race Production Update