Hello everyone.
Goin’ back and seeing this old game made me think “wow, this game is a little shameful, isn’t it? even with update 1, it didn’t get a good enough quality, I can surely do better now” so I decided to announce I’m going back to work on this game (which, in truth, was unbelievably awful at start, so it will be a bit of a messy job to do, especially since the graphics aren’t very good and most probably they need to be totally re-designed) I will include the FABLED CUSTOM NIGHT this time, alongside the other fabled one, the extra menu, pretty much the elements I “promised” to put in Update 1 but didn’t because they weren’t completed.
So, to sum things up and tell you what will be new:
New Stuff
-Custom Night
-Extra menu
-New Animatronics (I won’t spoil too much ahaha)
-New Gameplay Mechanics
-New Songs
-Circus Baby’s Entertainment & Rental is getting bigger
-It’s Me
Modified Stuff
-Better Graphics (oh. my. finally.)
-Better Mechanics
-Changing Main menu
Release Date: sometime in January/February
(I will state the definitive release date in another Dev Log next)