Things to expect from the new update(.02):
-ENEMY HEALTH BARS: I know people wanted these put in, so I took the time to get them :)
-Floors Up To 7 Complete: These floors have been finished off (though may need more polish after feedback, we’ll have to wait and see). More Floors may be added before then though, as I’m decided whether or not to get to Floor 10 before putting up the next update.
-NEW PLAYABLE CHARACTERS: “Group 2” of PCs are fully complete to my knowledge, unless I find some bug with them before release. They will be available for purchase at the Character Shop after beating Floor 5.
-Story Elements: As those you who have reached the end of what’s available in v.011 may have noticed, NPCs are in the tower, and hint at a few story elements. I plan to expand on these in the Floors to come.
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