I wanted to make an update about some things that are going on.
First is projects that are currently in the works:
Lost Hope

I started to work on Lost Hope around 5 years ago and I still want to work on it, but as I grow as a developer I realized that my skills are growing past what I did with the concept demo, so I put off working on the game itself and I am working on the story right now. There is just a few ideas I have for it, and I have a full script ready for the demo and plan to work on it as soon as I have more time after school is finished. I plan on Lost Hope to take the longest out of all my games because it will be a full fledged game not a small 10 min game. I think I will include some voice acting in the demo that includes myself, some friends, and maybe some VA’s that I may higher. For right now this is in extremely early stages of development.
E.P. Series

When I finished working on the concept demo for Lost Hope I got this idea for short horror games titled E.P. so I started work on this project as soon as i was done with Lost Hope Concept Demo. I currently plan for there to be multiple games that have connecting stories and will have an explanation to what the name E.P. stands for. I know that this game has picked up some traction and I’ve gotten messages asking about when it is releasing and I can not give a relative date know, but I can say that all that is left is implementing the enemy and translating to Spanish. After this the demo is done and I will begin on the final section to get the first part of E.P. available.
The Explorer

So in my Cadd 4 class I was given the opportunity to do a personal project that I could do and create anything I wanted. I started by modeling in 3ds Max, and that was fun but I wanted to do more. So I found the 3D game kit by Unity 3D and decided to work on my level design skills. When I first started this I did not intend on this becoming a full fledged game. Now I have decided to make this a full game. As seen in my gameplay video its in beta and I found that this small demo is almost done, it just has a few bug fixes and tweaks to make it a little better. Currently this will be a one off game that I am making to improve my level design skills.
Next is projects that I have planned for the future:
Untitled First Person Shooter
This is a small idea I had one day to make a game like doom that is fast paced and has lots of enemies. I have talked to one of my friends on collaborating to compose some heavy metal music for the soundtrack of the game. I have some early level designs in mind and will work on this possibly after The Explorer
Untitled “Horror” game
So I put quotations because its not horror it is an experience. I wanted to put what is in my mind in a game and make how I personally feel come to life. This would consist of multiple feelings (Happiness, Accomplishment, Sadness, Depression, and Anxiety) I have no idea when this is gonna be worked on.
Lastly some current non game development projects:
Live streams
I want to start streaming more on twitch and play some games for fun and maybe some game development. I want to in total play games, work on current game projects. make animations, music, and edit videos on stream. To see me stream check this link! I am planning streams in the summer after I am done with school
Lets Plays
So I have been editing the lets play series Bread Plays where some of my friends and I play games and have fun chatting. I plan on doing these as long as Bread Plays keeps going, and we have a lot of games lined up for the future. I have found editing and recording these a lot of fun. I might start doing lets plays on my YouTube channel personally, but I have not decided on what I am going to play yet.