8 years ago

New update!! Release.....Tomorrow and thank you all!!!! :)

I feel that the alpha update v 0.3.0 for Nova is ready to be released tomorrow. More testing been involved trying to find a good balance still but it making great progress. Added in new little things just to add more “flower” to it. Reached a milestone of 150 views and 10+ plays, Nova is getting somewhere, got some cool ideas awaiting for you which i’ll be showing in the near future and thank you all!!! :D



Next up

Updated Screenshots 02/04/18

Nova - Alpha v 0.2.0 release this Sunday :D

Latest Screenshots

Nova - Unity Version (Still early stages)

Nova (Some more improvements)

Updated Turrets. Two types > Friendly and Enemy.

11/06/2017 - Media

Nova - Alpha v 0.1.0 is now available to download!!!

24/06/2017 - Media

Brand New Level: Grasslands