New content/features:
New skin: Pumpking (unlocked at 200 boxes)
New weapon: LMG (unlocked at 150 boxes)
Tutorial for new players
Gamejolt integration (Sign in and upload High Scores to the Leaderboard!!)
Magnum rework: Now deals 75 damage and fires slower, but slows down Walkers and stuns Jumpers for 1.5s
Quality of life changes:
Shotgun rework: Now has a fixed pattern. Damaged increased to 20/bullet
Rocket Launcher: Explosion area increased by 15%
You can now press P/X to jump, depending on your control scheme
Added a music volume scaler
You can now choose your skin from the new Stages menu
Added animations for the Player, as well as Walkers
When in air, the Player and Jumpers "squish"
Increased screenshake (for more action!!)