Hello, yeah that's it basically.
I've been remaking UTRCraft from the ground up, and adding performance and stability improvements. I plan to make it much more versatile than the previous builds, mods and content wise.

good and stable, same ol' game
There is a new camera which I took from Claudia Plus (it is really, really good) I plan on adding it to Fakehole Island too. Also, you might see a blue box in the image around the player, that is the new chunk system. I planned it from the get-go, but the old project didn't allow for this, but now there will be large infinite worlds to explore and conquer.
There will be a playable alpha soon, but in the meantime you can check out my other projects or the original UTRCraft too. (then reference it to the new one :3)
Well, thanks for reading! Have fun!