Hi guys!! I’m glad to announce a new update of The Black Heart.
It’s version 1.2
Now it’s more stable and polished. It has NO new characters (I know it’s the first thing everybody asks!9
here’s a list of the updates:
1-ported to the latest M.U.G.E.N. engine making it more stable.
2-fatal moves are easier to perform now, neededing the enemy to have less than a third of life (instead a quarter as it was beofre). Also, a message appears when the move can be performed.
3-The movelist is now more accurate and understandable.
4-The combo system has been improved, infinites have been fixed and the characters are more balanced.
5-Every character has 1 throw move that switches sides with the enemy and 1 that doesn’t.
That’s all!! Enjoy it and don’t forget to rate and comment :D