Nil's Fine Game (Legacy)

3 years ago

NIL'S FINE DEVLOG AUGUST 2022 // BOOM, baby!! Distraction!

Hey. I'm back. Spread the word, I guess.

A lot of you have a couple question, namely, "Where have you been?", "Is the game still being worked on?", and "When are you getting a haircut??!" And frankly, I don't see the issue. It's only been, like,



six months?


A lot has been going on these passed six months, both development-wise and in my personal life. A good bit of progress is being made while I'm hovering between motivated to work on the entire game in one sitting and motivated to get out of bed.

I have a job now, and school is starting back up, which means I'm entitled to participate in extracurricular activities as a junior in high school. So, my ability to truly focus on this project is starting to falter.

However, I won't let this get in the way of me delivering the best that I can.



So I wrote down what I was gonna say today

but at this point I just kind of... stopped?

I'm not sure why.

I guess I'll wing it at this point.

As for the future of this project, progress updates will be as infrequent as they've always been.

Truth is, it's not that I don't have anything to show. It's actually quite the opposite. I have. So much. To show. So much, in fact, that most of it constitutes as a spoiler.

The upsides to this is that, it keeps me productive! And as a result, as of me writing this, I am about 80% finished with the base game!

After that is cleaning up, finishing touches, and configurating the release!

If I'm productive enough, everything should be wrapped up around Christmas. Maybe even Thanksgiving!


As of this passed month, I've been looking into other outlets to post my game and music.

GameJolt is a good website for making and sharing your games to a wide audience, but...'s just so unprofessional.

Like seriously this is a forum for sharing projects among young children and it keeps trying to be my friend I am not vibing with it at all




I feel like migrating to a different forum, namely (follow me here) might help my case, but I'm not sure how I'd make my following migrate with me.

Besides, I could never truly leave this place. I've been here for too long.

I might just make it available on both websites, and I may just be more inactive here.

This isn't a bad website by any means, it just doesn't fit the tone I want anymore.

I hope to see some of you on Itch.


Well, that's it from me. If you're still reading, major congratulations to you. Thank you for supporting my game for so long, especially since it's been nearly a year since the development of the reboot. That's wild to think about.

I know there's been a lot of radio silence, but I'm seriously thankful you've been able to bear with me.

Just hang on a little while longer, capiche?

Enjoy your Saturday.




Next up

Anyway now that my prank is out of the way,

this is Janet (frog).


The game is out and ready for download! I hope it was worth the wait...

Not too much longer.

Funky damage and health numbers!

Thanks for 200 followers :)

It's the official trailer!

NIL'S FINAL DEVLOG JUNE 2023 // A freeing sensation

Base game done. Clean up time!


You've been distracted by the Distractelion!

Happy Saturday!

NIL'S FINE DEVLOG DECEMBER 2022 // Beginning Anew