9 months ago




Next up

I died because of his hands, but this is simple sketch so far

This image was created on 12th March 2021...

Just imagine how old for me it is...

FR: Des cadres pour avatar sont disponibles en magasin. Dites-moi ce que vous en pensez et faites passer le message ! ;)

EN: Avatar frames are available in the shop. Tell me what you think about it and pass the message on ! ;)

=> https://gamejolt.com/@AntoineVanGeyseghem/shop

Dude help, I found that cursed thing I created 4 years ago😭

FR: Ce que vous voyez est ce que j'ai texturé jusqu'à présent. :)

EN: What you're seeing is what I have textured so far. :)

Pour / For: @Ra4ok_Dev

Dessin par / Drawing by: @BonnieBonzo

This is what people actually do alone in VC...

What's up guys, how you doing?

I'm alive (a bit)

I just realized my spawn day is pretty soon, so I think it will be time to finally Link my PayPal and became a creator, just wait, I think it is gonna be next week💐

FR: J'ai maintenant une chaîne Rumble. Privilégiez-la à la place de YouTube pour voir mes vidéos. (Lisez l'article) ;)

EN: I have now a Rumble account. Choose it instead of YouTube to watch my videos. (Read the article) ;)

=> https://rumble.com/user/AntoineVanGeyseghem


Эх ребята, придется сообщить кое какую новость

Помните я когда то (хз уже когда, вроде месяц назад) говорил что снова спустя долгое время постить тут на русском

Так вот...

Уже официально, я скоро стану крейтором

Всё написано в артикле