Only Unknown
1 year ago

No Longer Unknown

The Full Story of Only Unknown

Yo! Been a while, huh?

As you can see I've worked on one other title in this time, project tunnel for Horn Knee Studios. It was cancelled because of what was in the first post on the game's page:

Not even a finished prologue, we don't even have the entire story planned.

...Which was a harbinger of what was to come. We (mostly me) were stupid and made a game on impulse without any planning. Is there a different project in the works? Kind of. Is it a game? Hell no. At least not currently.

Either way, it probably won't come out anytime soon considering the whole school thing that we have going on, but it exists.

Now, for the Only Unknown stuff.

I dug up the few txt files of planning I had for the story and also slammed my head against my laptop to remember what bits were missing to bring to you: Only Unknown's story (at least what I could piece together of it from past me.)

The prologue is as you saw in the only available demo. Riku wakes up, gets an exposition dump from Zoid, and then prologue ends. Not much, but it has the basic setup for the story.

Chapter 1 revolves entirely about getting to know the characters and locations that are in A Different Unknown, as well as a few new ones.

The locations you visit are your neighborhood, a subway station, the inside of the city you only caught a glimpse of in A Different Unknown, and the school.

You'd exit the house you live in alone and encounter June waiting for Riku outside, you'd commute to school and on the way meet Jenna and see the Shadow Man.

After that you go to school, get scolded by a teacher for falling asleep, and then the day ends and you go home with June.

Then the same thing but slightly different happens for two more days until the weekend comes.

Once it's the weekend, June and Jenna take you to the bar from A Different Unknown, where you meet with Shihiro and learn about your project of making a camera that can look into a different dimension.

You realize that Zoid's gift doesn't let you see screens, but you piece together the conversation and realize Zoid and you are in that other dimension and can either speak up or not. If you speak up, not long into the 2nd chapter, June will kill you.

Chapter 2 starts with you going to school, and when school is done Shihiro leads you away from June on your way home and asks about you being in the other dimension.

Answering yes or no doesn't change the story. Shihiro then reveals that she can see Zoid through the camera and tells you that he can hide in between your atoms and lore dumps how Screnoids work, which is even more than Zoid knows himself. She also tells you to not tell anyone else about this.

Shihiro lets you go and when you reach the subway station you have to wait alone

The Mysterious Man sits next to you and starts talking about how his kid is in High School like you, and talks about how they were never the same after their mother died. He talks about how he abandoned the kid and then apologizes for telling you about it.

You're given the option to ask to hear more or leave him alone. He'll tell you more no matter what, but if you ask for it then hearing more was good enough and leaving him alone gives you a red shard as compensation for him bothering you. What he tells you is that he killed someone once, and talks about what he think he did to lead to his wife's death and how he blames himself for her suicide.

After that, he gives you his farewells before leaving the station as the subway arrives.

After going home, June asks if you want to hang out.

If you say no, nothing happens and the game continues.

If you say yes, you and him go to the bar. If you mentioned that you can see the dimension, he'll kill you on the way there.

Once you're at the bar, June talks about some of the families that took him in over the years before his current one finally permanently took him in, and then you leave the bar. He then gives you a friendship card that you lost that he never gave back.

Once you get back home, you sleep and the chapter ends.

Chapter 3 starts with going to school and going straight to the bar with June and Jenna. Shihiro is already there and starts explaining more about how it works and shows off the creatures she found using it.

After showing off the creatures, June accidentally spills beer and breaks the camera while it's on the table while they're goofing off.

Soon, Jenna escorts June out for drinking a lot more than usual and leaves you and Shihiro alone for a bit. If you have the red shard, you can hand it over to Shihiro to fix the camera.

Shihiro explains how she suspects that since Zoid is an odd Screnoid, she things that a more powerful one could potentially tell the future and might be after him because it knew he and Zoid would form a contract.

Jenna comes in to inform you that June and her would be leaving, and you leave with her since you live near June.

You take June to his house late at night when his family is sleeping and put him on his bed.

While you're exiting the house, you're attacked by a malformed Screnoid that Zoid protects you from. After a while, Zoid gets into a position where you can escape.

After you escape and go back home, Zoid regroups with you and you have a small discussion about what happened. You then fall asleep.

Zoid takes you into the Screnoid realm in your sleep so that he can protect you, but you'll have to follow him.

After a bit of running, you encounter a Screnoid with an odd-looking eye. This Screnoid is Ahana, who stole an eye from a different Screnoid and is also an outlaw, like Zoid.

You talk about Ahana's observation ability and you have to find a suitable person to form a contract with them in order to go fully into the human realm to warn you if the Screnoid that attacked you was coming.

The dream soon ends and you're back in bed and soon have to get ready for school.

Chapter 4 starts with June talking to you on the subway, and he asks why you're acting odd.

If you tell him the truth about the Screnoid attack in his house, you'll get a game over later.

If you lie and just say you just barely got any sleep, game continues story as normal.

While in school, Zoid whispers to you about talking to Shihiro about forming a contract, since she already knows a lot about Screnoids.

After school you go to the bar alone and are stopped outside by Shihiro as she guides you away and tells you that the bar has too many people today.

She leads you into a run-down building before waiting for you to speak.

You then tell her about Ahana and forming a contract, and Shihiro reluctantly agrees after clearing up some details with Zoid about contracts and how you need to be asleep to form them.

Afterwards, you return home and sleep.

In your dream, you and Zoid find Ahana and tell them about Shihiro.

You wake up and have a day off from school, where you meet up with the entire group.

You all decide to go to a nearby park to mess around while wasting time.

While at the park, you tell Shihiro about Ahana going to her tonight before June and Jenna invite you over to join them on the park's playground.

If you told June the truth earlier, then he'll bring you somewhere alone and crack open your head on a part of the playground before stabbing you to death.

If you lied to him, useless Jenna romance section happens before being interrupted by June yelling at you two to join him doing something.

Eventually you all go to the bar for dinner, talk about random stuff, and then leave.

You go to bed and fall asleep.

Chapter 5 starts with you in the Screnoid realm as Zoid leads you somewhere. You ask about where you're going but Zoid gives you no answers until you find yourself surrounded by Screnoids, and it's revealed that the Screnoid that attacked you disguised themself as Zoid.

The Screnoid then has a monologue about how their name is Nineko and that their ability from having four eyes lets them manipulate Screnoids and how they're going to kill you now and finish off Zoid and Ahana later.

Because it took so long to get to that part of the Screnoid realm, you wake up before the Screnoids attack you and Zoid warns you to skip school. This is where the story majorly diverges without leading directly to a Game Over.

If you decide to skip school, you'll be going down the Outlaw route. You stay at home and plan with Zoid about how to avoid the attacking Screnoids and Nineko. Eventually you decide that calling Shihiro over would be the best idea.

You take out your phone, remember that you can't see screens, and press randomly until you hear a call outgoing sound.

Shihiro picks up the phone and you explain what's happening and she says that she'll rush over.

After you hang up, you notice that outside of your windows, Screnoids are grouped up and pressed against your house outside.

You try to call Shihiro again, but your random presses lead you nowhere this time. Eventually you hear June knock and call out your name outside of your door. When you open it, you see June now in his Jenu from A Different Unknown carrying a knife with Nineko beside him.

While you're avoiding Jenu's attacks, Nineko explains how he formed a contract with someone who tried to being back June from the dead after he was killed as a child, and filled in the gaps of what was long gone from June's brain with his own, and made two people in one body.

While Nineko is boasting, you trap Jenu in a bathroom with Nineko. While they're trying to escape, you and Zoid try to think of a way to either defeat Nineko or kill June, since either of those will likely disperse the Screnoids that would kill you.

If you don't have the Friendship Card from earlier, you will choose to kill June since it's the far easier option.

While they're trapped in the bathroom, you hide behind the door as Zoid reshapes himself to become thick enough to be used as a blade, and tells you to stab June's throat as soon as the bathroom door opens.

Soon, Jenu breaks down the door and you stab him, although you miss his throat and sprint down the hall.

As you reach the kitchen and Zoid begins unfolding, Jenu runs while trying to cover the large cut on his right arm.

Zoid tells you to grab the largest knife you have and duck behind the counter until he tells you to strike.

After waiting a bit and thinking over what you're about to do, Zoid tells you to strike, and you have two options, to strike or not to strike.

If you choose not to strike, June will come out from behind the kitchen counter you're hiding behind and kill you.

If you decide to strike, after revealing yourself your knife will go directly into Jenu's throat.

Nineko panics and flees, leaving the dying June in your arms as his colors return to normal. Unable to talk, June stares at you until his death.

Shihiro knocks on your door and you take June's corpse with you. The game ends after Shihiro sees what happened to June, and the Speechless Ending screen shows.

If you have your friendship card, you'll tell Zoid that you want to defeat Nineko.

Zoid instructs you to find anything that would connect June to this world that you could find in the house. The more the better.

You run to your room and shut the door as Jenu breaks out of the bathroom. You search your room and find five things that Zoid tells you to put on the ground: the friendship card, an old action figure June gave you for a birthday, a poster for a series you both like, June's old pencil case, and a painting you made of him for a school assignment.

Jenu eventually breaks down the door to your room and sees the objects on the ground before grasping his heart and falling to his knees.

You and Zoid run somewhere else as he tells you to find one or two more things as you see from the corner of your eye the red guy turning green again.

You go into the attic and look inside of some boxes, throwing an old school uniform and a clay piggy bank near the attics entrance.

Jenu climbs up before immidiately falling down upon seeing the objects, and Zoid pins down Nineko to a wall and tells you go and get Shihiro.

You see Jenu being completely back to being June as you run to the entrance, where you hear knocking. The Screnoids aren't covering the windows and you open the door to let Shihiro in.

You lead her and Ahana into the attic, and Zoid and Ahana kill Nineko.

June wakes up and you and Shihiro tell him about what happened. If you gave Shihiro the red shard she'll let him borrow the camera to make him believe you.

After that, the screen will fade into the Recovered Ending screen.

If you chose not to skip school, you'll go about your day as normal until you're halfway through your trip to school before seeing Nineko, Jenu, and a swarm of screnoids.

You quickly run away before pressing anywhere on your phone to get help. Eventually you call Shihiro and you tell her the situation, and she tells you where to meet her.

You run through alleyways trying to avoid the screnoid swarm before Shihiro pulls you into an abandoned partially built building.

She explains to you how it should be possible to hide from the other screnoids here and trap Jenu and Nineko, but it would be tough to do so.

You both discuss it with Ahana and Zoid giving their incite and decide that Shihiro would bring them into the building and you'd deal with Nineko while she restrains Jenu.

Shihiro then leaves to execute the plan while you're left talking to Zoid about June and how to bring them back. Zoid reassures you that once Nineko is dealt with, June should come back like normal.

Shihiro then opens the door leading inside and you hide behind one of the building's pillars. The path splits depending on whether or not Shihiro's camera was repaired.

If Shihiro's camera wasn't repaired, her entrance would get messed up.

When she leads Jenu and Nineko inside, she accidentally also lets a flood of screnoids enter as well.

You and Zoid have nowhere to run except up the building, which Jenu and Nineko find you doing and chase after you.

After lots of dialogue and Zoid fending off screnoids, you reach the top of the building and are backed into a corner. Nineko gives a speech for your defeat before you try to try to run one last time, only for the swarm of screnoids to shove you down an empty elevator shaft.

Miraculously you live despite all of the broken bones in your body, but Jenu was also knocked over on accident by the screnoids. The final thing you see is Shihiro begging you to stay alive. The screen fades into the Fallen Ending screen.

If the camera is repaired, Shihiro manages to get Jenu and Nineko into the building without any screnoids following behind. Shihiro talks about how she got you and Zoid trapped in here and leads Jenu and Nineko up the stairs. After a while, you and Zoid silently follow behind.

You reach the top and Shihiro tells Jenu that she'll bring you up in a moment, before you show yourself and she stands beside you, Ahana finally showing herself to Nineko and Jenu.

You the screnoids and humans both fight each other, although Jenu has a knife so you and Shihiro are more cautious around him.

Eventually after some banter, Nineko decides to cut his losses by shoving Jenu down the elevator shaft and running. Shihiro is quick to react, although is just slow enough to also fall into the shaft while reading for Jenu.

In what feels like an instant, you grab onto Shihiro's ankle and barely keep hold on the shaft's entrance. Zoid and Ahana stab into the openings of your pants and slowly drag everyone back up, with June returning to his normal colors.

After waking up, you and Shihiro tell June about what happened, and June explains how he got a contract from Nineko, saying that the screnoid saved his life and said that it would forever leave him if June was deemed a liability.

The scene cuts to the bar, although you and June are finally 21 and have jobs. You meet Shihiro there and she jokes about you getting dumped by Jenna.

You all laugh and drink and Shihiro talks about how great it is to not have to break laws to drink with you two.

As you all talk about your jobs, the screen fades to the Friendship Ending screen.

While working on A Different Unknown, I made the Mysterious Man to be a pseudo G-Man-like entity. Eventually he grew to be June's father and the cause of all of the events of A Different Unknown and Only Unknown.

While I was still coming up with the prologue for Only Unknown, I was talking with some friends about it and shared some ideas for a sequel to it, which I'll refer to as Another Unknown.

Another Unknown would take place after the Friendship Ending, and focus on Shihiro instead of Riku. As Shihiro, you'd investigate with your camera a bunch of criminals that are connected to Screnoids, making more use of Ahana's abilities to find clues related to the incidents.

While investigating, you'd find entities that are like botched versions of Jenu, being a combination of screnoid and human. But these creatures were humans that were completely taken over by several screnoids, they were violent and their bodies were falling apart.

Eventually you'd link them back to Nineko and he'd cower in fear before running away and promising not to do anything bad again.

And that is all of what is no longer Unknown.

For those of you that have been following me since this project, thank you.

For those of you who followed or supported any of my other projects, thank you.

And to you, reader, who decided to read this story made by a naive younger me, thank you.

To anyone wishing to twist this work into completion or into your own thing, you have my blessings.

This is all from Only Unknown, and I'm glad to be able to share this with the world.



Next up

I randomly feel like making a render. Comment your Roblox username or something and a theme for the scene of the render and I'll pick a random one whenever I decide to begin making the render. Example included with my avatar.

So I didn't delete the old version of the hospital background from Only Unknown so... here's a comparison between the old and new versions.

Looked cute. Might delete later.

Uzaki-chan is Yuri confirmed.

Happy New Year (or Decade)

Every time Takagi-San teases me...

Here's a hunt. The prize? A key to an early version of Only Unknown's demo! This one is pretty easy, the next few may not be so easy.

[Inhales but in a gay way]

i'm sorry

Aye baws can I hab da cnadi plz?