Nights at Baldi's Basics Learning Edition

4 months ago

nothing to do with the game but I will bring a game made in fnaf maker this month (75% probability)

It's been a while since I've posted any news about the game, but it won't be cancelled or anything, it will be released this year with a playable demo. And I thought that in order not to leave the game dead, I decided to bring a game that I had planned since August and it would be called "one weirdo night in fiction" and I already had the game programmed but at 20% in fnaf maker. So I'm recreating it with an improvement in renders.

The game I'm making will be released at the end of November, around 11/30/24.

The AI ​​of playtime and bully are going well, but I need to fix it and adjust it. Later in a few weeks I will publish another test of the game.

The "one weirdo night in fiction" page will be created when I have something finished of the game and the characters that will appear will be revealed.



Next up

The game is almost finished.

That's the whole cast

(Shadow Baldi will be a replacement for the strange head from the original game)

Well, the map has already been decorated, so it's time to make the cameras.


The page is now available

follow it:


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

the office

The full game is now available!!! (but first I'll leave you with some tips)

Rat Race Production Update

The calls are all completed, thank you very much @Sim_Naum I wish you were still Phone Guy in the next two games.

and thanks for the 1000 views, thanks for the great support