7 years ago

Nova Devlog Update

Hey folks :)
So here is what’s been added/worked on for Nova so far:

-Player movement > facing the direction where the mouse points at

-Basic Ammo function is in place > so once it reaches 0 the player has to reload, considering adding in ammo boxes and clips to count in “realism”

-AI spawning, chase after and shoot player > still working on the AI spawning, it in its early stages

-Deducts time when player is hit Work in progress

-In-game timer, counting down in minutes and seconds
-Camera follows the player

What i’m going to add in next:

-A full playable level

-Update the AI spawning and timer deduction

-A working title screen



Next up

24/06/2017 - Media

Nova (Some more improvements)

Nova - Alpha v 0.2.0 release this Sunday :D

Updated Turrets. Two types > Friendly and Enemy.

11/06/2017 - Media

Updated Screenshots 02/04/18

Brand New Level: Grasslands

Nova - Unity Version (Still early stages)

Nova - Alpha v 0.1.0 is now available to download!!!

Latest Screenshots