7 years ago

Nova v0.2.0 (Unity Version)

Hey there folks, Nova (unity version) has been updated to v0.2.0

Here is a run down of v0.2.0:
-Updated level
-Small improvements to the enemy AI -> walking around walls & collision detection (The creatures are getting smarter :P)

What’s being planned for v0.3.0?
-New level & improvements to the player movement

Future ideas
-More characters(Two minds about this but we shall see)
-New mechanics
Not much has been planned as of right now, still early developments more ideas and testing than anything

Any news?
I’m happy to announce that one of my fellow mates from University is helping me develop Nova. As of right now he is started working on v0.3.0 update with me. I am hoping to get other people on board as time goes on haha.

Until next time, have fun playing the new update and shall speak to you all next week, see ya :D



Next up

11/06/2017 - Media

Updated Turrets. Two types > Friendly and Enemy.

Nova - Alpha v 0.1.0 is now available to download!!!

Updated Screenshots 02/04/18

Nova - Alpha v 0.2.0 release this Sunday :D

Latest Screenshots

Brand New Level: Grasslands

24/06/2017 - Media

Nova - Unity Version (Still early stages)

Nova (Some more improvements)