Hey there! Been a minute. My name is purrsum (legally obligated to share this information, thank you for your understanding) and we're coming out here to share some breaking news!
Umm, we don't have any breaking news at the moment. But I've been hard at work remastering some soundtracks and finishing up the demo album!
The track list on the game's main page is already up to date with most music I'm legally allowed to share (due to made up legal reasons) already on there
I'm willing to share some highlights down this piece of article, including a couple of comments
Legends Say; purrsum
We've got an updated intro theme! Courtesy of: me, purrsum.
Our only other composer has left us in cold silence, so I had to take full lead on all of the game's music going forward
Worry not, for I am a fast tinkerer-er, err, and I'm basically finished with most of the harder-to-produce themes of the Sewers area, of the game
Another Fallen; purrsum
to be found on the game's main page
because soundcloud has copyright strike'd the song because well it does really sound like the original theme so that checks out?
Toriel's theme! Basically almost exactly the same as the original Undertale's track, but with a different second melody instrument
Bubble Game; purrsum
Tortule's theme! Updated, also still courtesy of purrsum.
I went back to listen to some of the older tracks and re-rendered them with slightly better mastering/mixing whatever you wanna call it
At least I think the mixing sounds better here; also I had to redo the entire song from scratch so it's a bit different in certain spots, but I think it's for the better anyway
Wow! So informative. Also, side note, we're late for halloween and I kind of wanted to post this on the 31st because Tortule's boss theme was revealed 2 years ago on halloween.
Oh well! I had a really tough time this past week so I couldn't cook some good halloween art. We're left with music crumbs this time, again.
We're not going to be sharing any more music relating to the Sewers from this point forward, so music devlogs should die out a bit.
Look forward to the next devlog, whenever that'll come. You'll know. We'll be revealing some real™ actual™ finalized™ gameplay that time, so make sure not to miss it.
If you have any burning questions about the game, you may head to our discord server to ask the dev team up front!
Invite to our discord server:
In the meantime we'll be (hopefully) updating our twitter account with (maybe) memes and (possibly) seasonal artwork.
Link to the twitter page:
Thank you for reading this dev- ... -log, and we'll be seeing you- probably next year. I think, anyway.
Stay patient, and have a great day!