now, i want to join, as BONNIE!
well i'm basically a ''killer'' robot, that matches with the name dosen't it?
Next up
I Made this simple main menu, not in the mood to do something detailed
and also ONASS is a testfire so i can know if you guys want a new FNaF Fangame series by me
or not...
this is my demon. and he protects me. how? Reflecting every attack from other people.
P.S: i dont know if jokes are allowed but this is a joke
art of napstablook i made
The murderlies is now officially Disbanned
Hello Guys! So, you Might Be Wondering, ''Why All These Options In ONaS 7? and what does these stars mean? and why are they gray?'' the answer: Unlockables. This Menu Screen can only be seen if you follow the guide in the article.
[Fashion Meme] [NOT ORIGINAL] [Sort Of Rushed]
Had lots of fun with this one! :D
ONaS 7 Main Menu!
changed the title
going to fix the ''Steakhouse'' word
its a bit out-centered
Goodbye Murderlies
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