Eight Nights At Puppets
1 month ago

Now skarnok is also in the game. By the way, skarnok is the Eagle Aniamtronic



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Hi guys Night 2 Is Finihed But Not the Sounds Of Night 2

Hello guys, thank you for 106 followers. I gave the game a new Thumbnail You like The New And Here Is The Complete Thumbnail

Hi guys thanks for 249 followers And here you have the first screenshot from night 3 by Wihtert Foxy Once in the game and in the render

Guys Night 2 was Already Finished Now I will do night 3

Hello, thanks for 819 followers, that's crazy.

Here's the new one, I'm done with Night 3 and starting with night 4. Here's another screenshot from night 3.

Chips For Night 3 what they want to mean 💃🏻

Hi guys I Work On night 3 And Night 3 Has a Gameplay Machanic With Ballora

What do you say about the puppet statue

we have Evil statue and Good Statue what Statue should appear in the game

Hi Eight Nights at Puppets has an update I have changed the logo In the next few days there will probably be a new game thumbnail that is animated

A Screnshot From Night 3 With Skarnok