First of all I’m sorry that I didn’t post updates the last two weeks, I got knocked out by a bad case of the flu. However, this week I felt better and resumed working on Tiny Thor.
Besidest lots of small polishing tasks (smoother aiming, screen shaking for stampers) and minor bug fixes, this is what happened in the last weeks.
Our protagonist got a makeover! We’ve implemented the new player sprite (156 glorious frames, and it will be even more in the end because we will add some custom animations/outfits later on). It was a lot of work, but Henk did an outstanding job on the animation, again.

Henk also updated all the NPCs (now fully animated) and I already implemented them while Steffen made them speak the first draft of our games story.

Another important piece of the game is sliding into place: The music! Chris and Fabian already sent the ingame tracks for the first three worlds over to me, and they are on the verge of finalising those tracks. The music reminds me of Chris’ early Amiga works with a more modern sound. I’m listening to those tracks all the day right now :-) As soon as the tracks are finalised we will prepare some short snippets for you to listen to.

Steffen also redesigned the first world of levels with the new combat design in mind.

They still have some rough edges gameplay wise and some look like construction sites, but we’re happy that they provide more engaging gameplay now. Next up are the two boss fights of the first world!